“These stunning portraits show Siamese fighting fish seemingly floating in mid air, displaying their long, flowing fins and brilliant colours. Thai photographer Visarute Angkatavanich uses specialist lighting and crystal-clear water to capture exuberantly finned and coloured varieties of Betta splendens.” Review from the Guardian, UK
“These astonishing portraits of Siamese fighting fish show them seemingly floating in mid-air. With long flowing fins and brilliant colours, the images show the elegant creatures in all their beauty. Photographer Visarute Angkatavanich captured the pictures using a range of lighting techniques in his studio and with crystal-clear water. The 43-year-old commerical photographer from Bangkok chose to start taking images of fish after recalling fond memories of keeping them as a child. The fish have been carefully bred for more than 120 years to create the species we see today.” Review from The Daily Mail, UK